[Openinteract-dev] Re: [Openinteract-commits] CVS: OpenInteract2/t utils.pl,1.98,1.99
Chris Winters
2005-03-03 16:14:13 UTC
I was wondering... What was the purpose of testing package versions? To
me it seems rather annoying to both have to update MANIFEST and
t/utils.pl every time a package is changed.
I'd think it would be more sensible to extract package versions from the
MANIFEST file, or drop the tests entirely... :-\
Yep, you're right, I can't think of a good reason either. I'll get rid of
the version checks this evening.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious -- a fresh set of eyes can do wonders :-)

Chris Winters (***@cwinters.com)
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.